Course Essential Oils for Sprain


  • When we experience a sudden or violent twist or wrench of a joint with stretching or tearing of ligaments we have pain, get sore muscles, swollen ligament and skin…. and typically use ice packs, rest and elevate the affected area like the ankle or leg
  • In addition, essential oils can help to treat those sprain and get over the pain faster, especially those that work against pain, have a cooling effect or have a relaxing effect on our muscles.
  • We give you an overview of suitable oils against sprain in this course so that you can help your friends and family as well as yourself of course.

Event Details

Start date: 27 May, 2021

End date: 27 May, 2021

Start time: 17:00

End time: 18:30

Venue: Video meeting - access link will be sent with receipt